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Thread: Fallout VII - Vault-Tec calling

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Fallout VII - Vault-Tec calling

    FWIW, if Bethesda *had* introduced interesting large paid story content mods you'd all be up in arms about them gouging you with macrotransactions and forcing you to buy buy story for a game you already paid to expect have story but didn't have enough from the get go. *rabble rabble rabble*

    You all know I'm right.

    There's just no way Bethesda can win short of giving away the game for free. They are trying to figure out how to increase the long tail on AAA games. It's getting quite common now I've noticed.

    Paying a flat fee to CCs makes perfect sense, that is after all how businesses work. Employees are paid for their work and the company figures out how to leverage that. It also avoids all the hassle with paying tiny royalties to people all over the world. Would be no economy in that. It's a classic business takes risk on the content and develoepr gets paid up front scenario. For legal and business reasons I can't see any other way they could go.
    Last edited by snowblizz; 2017-09-05 at 03:31 AM.