Quote Originally Posted by YossarianLives View Post
Ygor turns to Eric. "You may be right. If possible, we should try and bring the rascal back alive. High Command have been itching to get their hands on a prisoner we can actually communicate with." He pulls a cloth from his pocket, and begins wiping the blood from his sword, listening intently to Avita. When she mentions the portal, his eyebrows instantly shoot upwards.
"Now that is very interesting - make sure you pass that on to the Captain." He chuckles. "No need for an apology, but I don't think the corpse had anything to do with it." He gestures to the other side of the square, where the gnomish corpse lies conspicuously. "Voss dumped it over there. I suppose it would be right to lug the poor soul back, but for now I'd rather we didn't have to smell it." He looks around for a moment, apparently thinking hard. "Come on. We should retreat into the tower. I don't want to be caught off guard again."
"Sounds good to me."