Quote Originally Posted by digiman619 View Post
Okay. Let me take a look and give you my initial impressions:
* Any reason it's 3/4th BAB with a D6 hit die? Because half BAB=d6, 3/4th BAB=d8 and fll=d10/d12 is kinda a major assumption of the game.
* Accelerate really ought only double move rate if you move at least 30 ft. Otherwise, Dwarf and small Voyagers will get shortchanged.
* Momentum is a really interesting way to promote being a mobile striker. I like it, though part of me worries that some build will dip a level of Voyager to get it. Also, what's stopping them from running in circles to get more momentum?
* Voyager Knowledge gives 19 Expanded Knowledge feats? That... seems powerful. Even if you can't get 7-9th level powers.
* Information Exchange really ought to allow you to make the "borrowed" knowledge trained. If for no other reason than otherwise you won;t be able to beat a DC 10.
* Swapped Selves seems odd, but hit point damage isn't the leading casue of death at taht level, so it should be fine.
* Fate in Flux seemed like its effect (free psychic reformation on yourself) was kinda mandatory for the fluff it had.
* What happens if the future version of a voyager summend via Eternity Awaits dies? Does another, even later in the future version of them show up? How far does that go?
* The pause parallel action should probaly have some sort of drawback for casting while pasused, becasue as it stands, casters/manifesters are only inconvinenced if they are using a spell/power that requires an attack roll.
* You do realize that Focused Swiftness is strictly better than Deep Focus, right? Even if that's your intention, you should probalby but a prerequisite oin it because as it stands, anyone can take it and some may interpret that as allowing them to become psionically focues without being psionic.

All and all a really interesting class that has the most important qualification for a casting/manifesting class have: it is interesting without access to its spells/powers (it's why Wizards bore me to this day).

Voyager Knowledge only gives 5 Expanded Knowledge: One for each power level after first. I think.