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Thread: The Black Shingle Fiasco

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: The Black Shingle Fiasco

    "Hinges are frelled right out to Wednesday" Avita taps the offending bits of metal with her gauntlet. "At this point we might be better off taking the door down entirely, laying it on its side in the doorway, and building it up into an earthwork. And I'm not suggesting we send people out to collect rubble. That's just sticking our nipples in a mincer." And then, seeing she seems to be the only one interested in this line of thinking, she steps back.

    "Well, if we're going to go that, I'm going to need my rope and lantern. Which are currently with the prisoner. So I might as well talk to him while he's moderately co-operative." And heads back up the ladder to the second floor.

    She sits down before the Daemonspawn, produces her parchments and set them on the floor. Moves the lantern cautiously between the prisoner and the papers, and gets out pen and ink.

    "Now...young sir." She begins. "Your welfare and ours might well depend on what information you're able to give us. So I'm going to ask you some questions--the good Divine can stand witness--and take note of what you say. Afterwards I'll be speaking to Marion here-" a nod to the injured Gnome. "-Assuming she is up for it. If I think you're answering truthfully I'll TRY to get the sergeant to agree to give you parole. You understand parole? It means you agree to stay with us, come with us, and don't attempt to hurt us. In return, we agree to untie you. Now, questions-" She dips her pen.

    "What is your name? What is the name of your people? Can you describe the place and conditions where you used to live in your home plane? Can you describe the surroundings of the portal through which you entered this world? Yes, this side AND the other side. Can you describe the route you took from the portal to the surface? Can you describe how long you've been in this city and what you've been doing--yes, you may have said some of these things before but we're writing them down now--and how exactly do you know our faces?"