Quote Originally Posted by The Extinguisher View Post
I just think it's a bad idea to put all the responsibility on talking about the game on one person. Because everyone has things they want out of the game, so everyone should talk about them.
Oh, absolutely. Everyone should be communicating their hopes and expectations for the game.

My point is, while everyone should have input, the ultimate responsibility for each character falls to the player of the character.

Likewise, the ultimate responsibility for the world/game scenarios these characters find themselves in falls to the GM.

Of course all these players ought to be working together, but to whatever degree they do or do not, all of the responsibility for game setup (excluding the PCs with the exception of GMPCs) falls on the GM. It's the GM's job to make sure the world and game satisfy the needs of the table, with or without the help of the other players. (This is not to say they are to blame when other players are toxic or beligerent; their only job is to make the game work as far as the other players are sincerely cooperating.)

Or at least that is the standard. In some games, there might be more sharing roles, but in RPGs, this is intentionally more rare.