Amham Federation

Kin Gyeon stared up at the walls of Whitecrest as he walked. They formed a terribly impressive barrier, and also a very bright one. Everything seemed to be brighter here, in the south beneath a blaring sun, compared to back home. It was welcoming, in its way, though he regretted the vigorous whitewash on the walls prevented him from seeing how they had been laid. He would have liked to gain a closer examination of the walls that had reputedly withstood the onslaught of Dejan a century earlier. Perhaps there would be an opportunity later.

Walking up the hill on the final approach at least meant the end of this portion of the journey. He would willingly admit, with a dash of rueful humor, that he had vastly underestimated the difficulty of traveling so far. One voyage after another, perilous all, and this final march inland. He had not purchased a horse, considering it a pointless extravagance for such a short walk, but the sea had weakened his legs further than he realized and the march was tiring. He could only hope the Inyoni did not have anything strenuous planned for the afternoon.

Kin wore his best silk robes, deep indigo decorated with a red leaf pattern marching down from each shoulder. The paired servant couple accompanying him wore much less extravagant linen in muted green. He had donned the golden pins marking him as a member of the ducal household for the day, folding his hair up accordingly to display the ornate design. It was uncomfortable, and every time some movement caused their weight to pull against his scalp he felt he could hear his cousin the duke whispering in his mind about the burden of leadership. Nothing he wanted to reflect on at the moment.

The populace had certainly turned out for the gathering. There could be no mistaking the snaking assemblage lining both sides of the road to the city. Arrayed en masse it was impossible to avoid noticing their pale and wan nature. Kin, though merely modestly above average in stature among the Amham, was a tall man here. It did make them seem birdlike, at the least. He supposed this made a measure of sense.

There were birds overhead, whirling and swooping all about. How many were ordinary animals and how many were people? There was no apparent means of knowing. It was difficult to trust in the legends of this place, heard third or fourth-hand. Even so, Kin found himself regularly fingering the bracelet of polished stones his cousin Chae had given him before leaving. The one she claimed would protect him from turning into a bird.

Guardsmen at the gate were human enough at least, and courteous. A small group guided his modest entourage from then on, mostly silent save for basic directions. The city itself was grungy, disheveled, and bearing obvious signs of the homes of the impoverished. Not an uncommon thing - even brief glimpses of the ports of the empire made along the way had revealed all this and worse besides - but a clear change from the stout dwellings of the soldier households in the towns of Amham. There were birds here too, everywhere. There must be some means to tell persons from animals, otherwise surely all too many citizens would end up in the cook-pots of the impoverished.

The guards directed the party to the center of the city, where there waited another polished white structure - this time a palace - in the center of lush gardens. The verdant expanse was impressively well-maintained, though the foreign plants were wholly unfamiliar to Kin's eyes. He detected subtle differences in color as well, the greens were clearer and paler in this southerly realm, though it mattered little to him. A curiosity for shamans to puzzle over. The strong scent of incense was impossible to miss, and that set nerves to humming. It made it more difficult to behave appropriately.

Thankfully the King was suitably regal. That helped. Upon approach, Kin descended to both knees, bending at the waist to bring his head quite low, though not all the way to the ground. "Your grace," Kin spoke while unable to see any higher than the monarch's knees. "I have the modest honor of being Kin Gyeon, representing the Amham Federation. In recognition of our gratitude at this grand gathering, we offer you this gift." Extending his hands, palms up, he presented a finely wrought bronze dagger, inlaid with jade.