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Thread: The Gathering of Whitecrest

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post

    After noticing one of the Lacian delegates rolling leaves, lighting them on fire, and sticking them in his mouth, Adril's curiosity gets the better of him. He walks over and introduces himself.

    "Good day, fellow delegates. I am Lord Adril Ferreth of Glen Gwitna. I must confess, I am thoroughly confused by all this business with those leaves. For what purpose are you sucking on smoldering foliage?"
    "Good day to you," John said, still somewhat unaffected by the Leaves that he had started smoking, "My name is John of the province Domitordia." The man stumbled a bit as he bowed low to the Glen Gwitnan Lord. "These Leaves?" John said, "These are Feth Leaves. They grow all over the place where I come from. They can be rubbed on wounds to help heal them and they can be smoked, like this," he took a gulp of smoke from his leaves and exhaled it through his nose, like a dragon preparing to breath flames. "Smyoking them," he continued, swaying a bit, "Hyelps to relax your mind when it is all jumbled up." John held out a small rolled Feth Leaf and the burning lantern, with which John had lit his own Feth Leaves, to Lord Ferreth, saying, "Wyould you like some?"
    Last edited by DimpleLoamsdown; 2017-09-27 at 07:01 PM.

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