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Thread: The Gathering of Whitecrest

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Gathering of Whitecrest

    Bird people was what they called them far out west, where no such magic could dare grip the populace even on it's best day. They were cursed once, weather they remembered it or not, but it was impossible to deny the grace and awe through which they carried themselves. ..And their city was nice, though the whole area was so blatantly magically inclined that the feeling the Lady Captain would feel almost dazed upon entry. She clutched her necklace of heavy Sedellan glass, weighing down on her greatly - relative to her rather light white and gold. It would protect her from the curse, but it was hardly subtle.

    Amerah Kren was the name of the Firethorn Regiment commander. Known as a competent fighter, strategist, and recent usurper of the empire, she in the past had ironically made claims to be more imperial than the empire itself. Now she came before a set of world leaders, presenting herself with a formal troop of keen eyes guards and a pair of bronze short-swords on her hips. Gingerly, she made her way to the place of their host. She seemed not unused to the setting that was large gatherings and formal events, but perhaps it was more the place or the people that set her on edge.

    "Whitecrest.. Blessed amongst the cursed. I am Lady Captain Amerah Kren of the Firethorn Regiment, from the Free State of Varjik. Though we have only just been declared a true independent faction, I trust that no holds are barred when it comes to accepting or denying entry..?" The woman seemed to carry no gift or polite greeting in thanks for their host like most other delegates did, her eyes that once surveyed the area skeptically now focused in on their quarry with an unsettling tone of authority. It wouldn't help her case that the very glass she wore on her neck would actively fight against the avian spell his people were under. Any under this magical effect who would approach her might feel compelled to step away, lest they be left feeling drained and tired.

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    Last edited by Zayuz; 2017-09-28 at 11:40 AM.
    "What is to give light must endure burning."