Spoiler: Keat Whitefeather
Quote Originally Posted by Tentreto View Post
Keat was subtely impressed by Kin Gyeon. The representative had travelled almost the entire width of the known world to attend this gathering, and managed to do so with a precious gift. Taking the dagger carefully, he examined it carefully, noting the quality of the working on it.
"I must thank you greatly for this gift Kin Gyeon. This dagger is one of the finest I have seen, even in my own lands. Rise, you have travelled further than almost any other here, and certanily show your lands well." Keat carefully handed the gift over to a nearby servent-it would be undue to show outright favour by wearing a gift so early-and gestured at the tables. "If you or your entourage are in need of refreshment, please help yourselves, the day is yet young. Or if you are interested in anything about us, feel free to enquire. I assume Amham itself is fairing well?

In the background, a few birds swooped into a nearby tree, until another bird, this one with a small sash of white linen around it swept in as well, upon which the other birds quickly winged away.

As the King's instruction, Kin unbent, straightening his back first before pulling his feet up from beneath his knees. Trained carefully by his foster mother, his robes remained still throughout this complex motion. "I thank your grace for your concern. All is well in Amham. My cousin the Duke sends his regrets that he is unable to attend your gathering in person. Unfortunately, the lengthy journey would not have allowed him to return in time for the yearly meeting of the Federation Council, which he is obligated to attend." True though this was, Kin knew Baek well, and he'd never leave his wife and young son for months at a time for anything short of an invasion. That did not seem the sort of thing you told a foreign monarch in any case. "With you leave, my party will indeed take refreshment. I would not keep you from your other guests." Before retreating, Kin thought to act on one other possibility. "I confess, I hold some small interest in architecture. The walls of your city are quite impressive. I should like to take a closer look later on, if the opportunity is available."

Spoiler: Gengy

With Captain Carunt on his left, and Masiv on his right, began to walk forward, knowing that the rest of the Sons would fall in line. They would not leave the Grand Magus's side, unless he or one of the other Speakers with him ordered it. Viclean nodded to the two ladies with him, their tattooes much more visible on their bronze colored skin not covered by the robes of a Magi. The ladies nodded back respectfully, but as planned, soon turned their gazes to the other party-goers. It was Viclean's hope that this visit would make new allies and foster connections to the Five Families of Regno.

After leaving the King's presence Kin took a moment to sit down and gather up some of the food that had been generously presented. He sampled from different bits and pieces, curious as to the nature of this land's cuisine. The absence of rice as a dominant element was certainly a change from Amham. He dismissed his servants, allowing them to determine where they had been assigned to take their rest. He doubted there would be any need for an entourage at this gathering.

Carefully, he watched various other dignitaries arrive. Most were all but unknown to him, representing lands even further from his home than this one. They were further, somewhat disappointingly, mostly men. That was boring. The arrival of the Grand Magus and his considerable entourage was most certainly not, though Kin was surprised that the ruler of Regno had come so far himself. Either his power of his own people was greater than suspected, or he was simply a man of supreme confidence. Watching him bodily grasp the Whitefeather King, Kin was inclined to the latter possibility. It left him disinclined to speak to the ruler in person, despite the impossibility of ignoring Regno at such a fete as this. The two women who had accompanied him, by contrast, were a much more promising project.

Making certain he was seen beforehand, Kin approached one of these ladies. He noted the tattoos on their shoulders. Speakers, he'd learned that much about the desert kingdom. A rank worthy of respect in its own right, regardless of whatever noble lineage these women possessed. "Your pardon," Kin announced as he approached. He bowed his head deeply, hands clasped together. "You are a member of the Regno delegation, correct? I am Kin Gyeon of Amham. If it is not an imposition, may I walk with you for a time?" He offered his best soft smile, one that had done well back home.

Spoiler: OOC
Gengy, feel free to decide which of the Speakers Kin is talking with. There wasn't any way to differentiate them based on the post. Since Kin is only nineteen he'd most likely approach whichever is younger.