Quote Originally Posted by Zayuz View Post
"Hm. So they say. We may have broken off from Avakonia, but we are only closer in truth to the empire now than they have been in a hundred years. My rebellion can be considered a success in all fields, and the natural next step is to root out their corruption in other regions."

With that she raised an eyebrow to the foreign leader, the faintest traces of a smirk on her face. Seeing others on guard at her presence always boosted her mood; she strove to be confident, dangerous, and just a little bit unpredictable in her leadership. Amerah turns and beckons him to follow, wanting to lead him down a path down the guarded steps into the garden below to talk in a more secluded area.

"So come, I would talk to you of our future as servants of the imperial mandate. Be them thoughts on the empire's current state, reformations of code, or judgement on others. I assure you, my days assassinating imperial leaders are.. Quite done. For now."
Shushan waved dismissively as the two walked, only two of the hooded figures coming with them. They didn't appear to have any weapons. "Every rebel calls themselves 'the true leaders'. Even the clans that resist the Shushan's imperial mandate think the name I take is not rightfully mine. What makes your name any different?"

This 'Amerah' was confident and dangerous, that much was obvious, but she was also deluded. She thought herself loyal to the "ideals" of the Avakonian Empire and Dejan. The problem with that was that she could justify 'the ideals' as whatever she so desired, and so do whatever she pleased. Shushan had heard this all before, and alarmingly often in the last few years.


[Later that night]

There are times when even a ruler and commander like Amerah needed to be alone. There was a point where even the greatest rulers would tire of flattery and seek only bed rest, that they would wish for a moment to read by candlelight, or perhaps just to reflect upon the day. Whatever the case, Amerah would eventually place herself into an empty room, with all the lights put out. She would relax, lower her guard, and be ready for a night alone.

And then the dark, empty room spoke to her.

"That was quite a line you threw my 'dear leader.'" It was the voice of a young woman, amused and mocking. "I don't think he liked it..."