Quote Originally Posted by Potatomade View Post
Godfather Part II.

I agree that there are lots of movies that absolutely don't need sequels, and maybe shouldn't have them. I can't imagine what a sequel to Close Encounters of the Third Kind or Fail Safe would be like, and in any case I would be wary of a late sequel to a classic (ex.: Godfather Part III). But being automatically hostile to sequels to good movies is silly.
You know, you could make a fantastic dramatic sequel following Close Encounter.

One that actually addresses Spielberg's main point of contention with the movie: nowaday, he thinks the protagonist was wrong to abandon his family.

You could make an entire story around that. Have the man come back and deal with the consequences of his actions. Make a great dramatic story akin to a man who abandonned his own family for Religious Enligtenment, and then must deal with the irresponsibility of his action.

You don't invalidate the original movie. You enhance the world in which it was set.