Erwin nods to the both of them.
"Not only would it be a target, chaos would break out as the populace panics. As for why it's important to know about the meeting-"
He stands and walks over to his pile of satchels before he pulls out a strange looking bowl and places it on the chair he was just sitting in.
"-Let's just say I have my own reasons. If you'd like to listen in to what they're saying right now, just run your forefinger around the rim twice."
He then collects his satchels and makes his way for the door.

"I agree with your assumption. The Empire will not take any chances. Your presence anywhere is sure to attract attention. Combine the fact that Dorn's Rest openly defies the Empire and it makes for an irresistible prize. Before they act, we must rid them from the island."
She looks at each of them with hard eyes.
"I'm not looking for bloodshed, I want to know what they're up to and you should cooperate with them if necessary."