So, there are basically two factions.
One that chooses to stay on the moon despite having limited resources, and risks bringing even more people from earth.
The other wishes to reclaim earth.
Both factions consider themselves to be superior to humans without powers, despite having very minimal knowledge about earth (besides a TV that is apparently tuned only to "death and destruction news channel")

It seems to me that regardless of the side they are on, everyone would benefit from going to earth more often, and they had the ability to do so (at least before the rebellion).
The first group could get the missing resources with relative ease, and with a little planning they could do so even without being seen.
The second could see that inferior or not, earth is not something you could take with a thousand people, even if they have powers they pose minimal threat to earth.
Heck, there should be a third group that wants to teleport everyone to a remote piece of land and just live there.
Maybe even a fourth that wants to make contact with the people of earth. Sure, they would be less popular because of the recent events against inhumans, but the opinion should at least exist.