Gorrun watches as the Vanguard starts filtering in, the first line of defense on any skirmish, the soldiers that are trained to look death in the eye and press on without flinching. Aurix's words seem to wash over them with mixed reviews. However when the Auxiliary was spotted moving in, Gorrun flew out to meet them searching for a qualified mage with knowledge of the requested spell.

One of the Vangard Captains took advantage of his absence and strode toward where Aurix and Geiravore stood. A stout dwarven man with hair and beard as red as molten steel, black gritty soot smeared across his face and the stump of a lit cigar clinging to his lower lip. He is wrapped in well worn leather armor and has a freshly forged double bearded battle axe strapped across his shoulders. He took a knee in front of Geiravor and lowered his eyes in respect for her position then he stood. He looked up at Aurix, his right eye slightly squinting. Aye, we'll stand vigil, "Hero's Champion" we will do our duty, fear ye not. But know that it is duty and love for Juvelnord that we stand for. We're not here because some "hero" needs their beauty sleep lad. We're here because we were forged in the fires of Juvelnord and we are her shield and sword. We're here because she is worth fighting for. We're here because no invading force is welcome in our home and we aim to make damned sure they are sent back to whatever pit they crawl out of with their tails between their legs. So you go right ahead and rest your little head. There are soldiers watching over you this night. He bows to the princess and makes his way back to rank.

Shortly thereafter Gorrun returns with an elven woman in a loose dress like uniform belted in various places around her body. This is the one I told you about. He needs to rest his mind and use it, simultaneously. Can you provide him with a spell to allow him to keep watch while resting his magic ability? Sir, of course sir came her reply and she cast the spell on Aurix. Yourself sir?
I'll be fine. I don't need magic, just a steady flow of coffee

The officer informed Kest that he should make his intentions known to Gorrun if he intended to volunteer.