Well, mom is gone, Lucifer wants to tell his secret and his wings reappear.

So how was the first episode?

Spoiler: The good
- Amenadiel's reaction to the "coherent" message Lucifer sent him before being kidnapped.
- The towel joke...
- Basically, it's a pretty solid start of a season, if it wasn't for the things in the next section...

Spoiler: The bad
- If you want Lucifer to tell Chloe and change the dynamic between them, just do it. If you want to keep things as they are, that's also fine. But don't go with the "I'm going to tell" and stop it with an excuse just seconds later.
And this BS was done TWICE in this episode, in both cases the problem could have been easily resolved and returned to telling the truth, but it always goes back to square one.
- The lines Lucifer crosses while being a consultant are getting bigger and harder to ignore. He just threw a guy from the second floor into a swimming pool! No one is going to press charges? At least demand he gets fired?!
At least until now there was an excuse that the higher ups liked both Chloe and Lucifer, but with the arrival of Marcus, we're out of excuses.

Spoiler: The quirky
- Marcus. If he doesn't do something about Lucifer in the next episode (something EFFECTIVE, there are plenty of reasons to fire him), he is either the bad guy in disguise, hired directly from Gotham PD, or both.
- Abby Ella. Not a bad character, but can we tone down the quirky side by a bit please?