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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: What mythos have the West produced in the past 1000 years?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lvl 2 Expert View Post
    That's what the first half of that article seems to claim, the part written by the journalist. The quotes in the second half tell a different story, that the physicist claims only now is real, that time doesn't exist as a dimension similar to those of space, but rather are what we perceive because of memories and planning, we remember a past that does not exist but did when now was then and imagine a future that does not exist, but will in some time.

    Looking at the guys wikipedia page, that last part seems to be closer to what he advocates.

    Which is good, because while I can handle a universe where time travel can't exist because there is no past to travel to a universe in which every time happens at the same time would kind of defeat the point of time.

    On a related note, a single badly written newspaper article about one physicist's theories may not be quite the amount of proof you want for stating absolute truths about the universe. Yes I know I'm a killjoy.
    Honestly, I'm just mucking around by presenting alternate theories to the OPs, and grabbed one I vaguely remembered from the past that is real far removed. Although you're both right that the source is bad; I grabbed it without looking more closely at the site surrounding it, which was very poor form of me. I apologize for using the site in question. It is not a good site.
    Last edited by Friv; 2017-10-03 at 03:30 PM.