A look of sorrow washes over her.

"May the Valkyrie take her in hand. "

Sharra counts to herself. As gorrun accepts the offer.

" I can give heroes feast to the 105 who need it the most. It takes an hour to eat. I'll prepare a feasting section over here. Send me 15 at a time, 7 waves over the next 7 hours and well get these boys fed. If any have... Been made I'll by... Partying too hard send them to me, I'll fix them up and back to their duties. "

Sharra moves off to the side and begins casting 1/7 heroes feasts for the troops. Afterward she looks out for any that need medical attention or a heal spell to remedy any ailment they may have. She will work the next 8 hours to ensure the army is in tip top shape.