Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
Alright. Dark Eldar Troops. Keep in mind that this is pre-Codex. So maybe don't go out and deliberately buy something because I told you to...
So one of the guys at the store got Wyches and Wracks, because a retiring player was letting them go for cheap :v. But not too many, so its not a big deal.

If its not abusing your generosity, mind putting up a 550 list together? He wants to play DE more than Ynnari (not that it matters at this low point level I think), but since the event is tomorrow (later today actually, its past midnight here) I really dont have enough time to check the index and build him something (he can proxy, we got lots of minis), and I dont want him to be soured on the game / faction after playing wyches / wracks and getting tabled.