Well try this maybe:

Spoiler: 550 points

Patrol Detachment

Succubus with Blast Pistol and Archite Glaive: 82

9 Wyches and a Hekatrix with Blast Pistol and Agonizer: 95
1 Raider with Dark Lance: 115

5 Trueborn with 4 Blasters: 115
1 Venom with 2 Splinter Cannons: 95

7 Warriors: 49

Total: 551

If you don't have anything you can use to proxy a Raider and a Venom, then I suggest

Spoiler: 550 points

Patrol Detachment

Succubus with Blast Pistol and Archite Glaive: 82

10 Wyches with 3 Hydra Gauntlets and a Hekatrix with Blast Pistol and Agonizer: 116

10 Wyches with 2 Hydra Gauntlets and a Hekatrix with Blast Pistol and Agonizer: 112

5 Trueborn with 2 Dark Lances: 95

5 Trueborn with 2 Dark Lances: 95

7 Warriors: 49

Total: 549

See, it's really tough to say what you're meta will be like since it's still developing, and because it's still developing, it's tough to know if Wyches will work or not. Cheesegear's advice is geared towards a super competitive meta, and if possible, I would try and discourage that your meta from becoming like his. It might anyways, you never know, but if it does, then it's a lot of people playing the top tier army, and basically you must run the absolute best list you can, else you'll just lose. In a more casual meta, you can generally play what you want, unless what you want is completely trash (which sometimes happens).

That being said, Dark Eldar absolutely love their transports. Since all of their units are typically very fragile, it provides some much needed protection. And if you want to run Wyches, that protection is vital, as you need to close the distance. Luckily the transports both make your army smaller (so you're more likely to go first), and give you the speed. And they provide decent shooting as well. Remember, coming out of the transport, you get an extra 3 inches to disembark, effectively giving Wyches an 11 inch move. You might not be able to pull of a first inch charge (unless the opponent moves up/SUA's units close by), but you should be able to do a second turn charge.

If you are running Power from Pain, then you'll also get a reroll to charges by turn 2, which is just critical to making those critical charges that the Wytches need to be useful.

Wracks likely fall into the 'it's completely trash' category. They might be able to work with Homonculus support, and a full Homonculus Covens army, but even then, you're better off just taking Kabalite Warriors with basic guns instead.