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    LansXero's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Lima, Peru

    Default Re: Warhammer 40K Tabletop XXXII: I Got 99 Guardsmen and Morale Killed One.

    Our meta, what little there is of it, is composed of:
    - Me, running Sisters (although I can step out to let newbies play each other)
    - a guy running 60 boys + some psyker Ork HQ and a waagh banner
    - an Ultramarine 2x whirlwinds list
    - Death Guard poxwalkers+plague marines (know no fear starter) x2
    - Primaris (know no fear starter) x2
    - Black Templars ft. Land Raider

    Right now its a few newcomers, plus a couple 5th edition veterans coming back; there is an older community in the city, but they are mostly casual / bound to home games, so as you say the 'meta' is still developing. Still, Im not too sure how well will melee infantry on foot do against 2x whirlwinds, or a primaris shooting gallery.
    Last edited by LansXero; 2017-10-05 at 03:38 AM.