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Thread: Any good mecha (i.e Gundam) systems?

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    San Antonio.

    Default Re: Any good mecha (i.e Gundam) systems?

    LANCER, a system by Miguel Lopez and Tom Parkinson Morgan (of Kill Six Billion Demons), recently entered public playtesting, and it welds narrative-driven (rules-light) Pilot gameplay with crunchier, tactical Mech gameplay, but without getting ridiculously granular. I hear it's progression, which is rather simple (you get a talent point and a license point, talents are like feats and licenses are combination class and equipment kits, each are 3 levels). The mech size, and their power compared to pilots, is rather close to Titanfall rather than Gundam, but overall I feel it sort of hews closer to Battletech specifically, but the pilots are the valuable ones, rather than the mechs. You're familiar with 5E, so the Accuracy/Difficulty system shouldn't feel too alien coming from Advantage. The game is played with d20s for checks, with d6s (and d3s, I like mentioning that because I actually own a d3) as either damage dice or Accuracy (roll 1d6 and add or subtract it from the d20, cancel each other out, and don't overlap, just rolling however many instances of Accuracy/Difficulty you have and taking the highest of the d6). Numbers are low, too, right now; mech stats are (currently) capped at 16, and Aim at +6 (though I think melee attack bonuses can get higher). It's a rather simple, yet effective, system.

    It is in playtest, so rules are still changing, which is definitely a downside. But I'm still trying to convince my group to let me run this for them.
    Last edited by Ninjaxenomorph; 2017-10-07 at 12:11 AM.