Quote Originally Posted by Eldaran View Post
Q336: If you put a Barrier Ward in between a creature already grappling another creature, does that break the grapple?
I am actually unsure about this as it pertains to RAW/RAI. The barrier ward explicitly says that "the barrier does not cut through objects, and usually stops at ground level", while not mentioning whether it cuts through creatures. I personally would as a GM rule that the Barrier ward does not cut through creatures. However, even if the barrier does not cut through creatures, grappling requires the grappled creature to be in an open square adjacent to the grappler. Would the square no longer be open if there is a barrier between the two? I think ultimately, it would be simplest to just say that trying to create a barrier ward between two creatures to break up a grapple wouldn't work (although the Protection sphere expansion handbook has a talent that would shunt creatures caught in the radius of the barrier).

TLDR: I don't have an official answer, but as a GM I would say No, unless the caster also had the Continuous Barrier talent (found in the Abjurer's Handbook playtest)