Luna was happy to see her Aunt and hugs her tight, "Sorry Auntie for being so late. We were able to retrieve the flower but ran into some nasty frogmen." Luna ate her cookies as she recants the tale. She finishes the glass of milk and last line of the story, "If it weren't for Khitan I may have been in serious danger."

Luna takes out the specimen from her herbalism kit and places the flower still in the sample container on the table, "I do hope it tastes as good as your cookies Auntie." She says and wraps up two of them for later. Luna changes topics seemlessly, "Afterward Khitan invited me to his team for the spring festival. I agreed but I must also convince Ellyn to join us. Has she come in yet?"

Luna ends by hugging her Auntie tight and making her way upstairs to unpack, "I'll be back down after I freshen up."