Spoiler: Super late night walk!
Aegwynn scratched her head a bit as she got back to the Pokemon Center. She shot a glance at her watch, it's late, but not too late really? She hummed to herself as she decided that she would work with her pokemon just a little bit. She released Grimmur, and spent the next thirty or so minutes working with her. Pokedex in hand, she began to exercise something she hadn't tried out yet, teaching her lovely little Larvitar a brand new move. Once she was sure that the little girl had gotten it, she closed her Pokedex and smiled to her, "Ok...well, it's not too late...I suppose we'll take another walk? Come along Grimmur!"

Aegwynn used Move Tutor on Grimmur! Grimmur lost 2 TP and learned Ancient Power!

Aegwynn pointed herself South this time, using street signs this time as she no longer had aid of the sun to figure out cardinal directions, nor did she have a sextant on hand to navigate by the stars. Elding seemed to be snoozing in her hood while Grimmur followed alongside of her. The little monster was stamping and stomping around on the hard cobbled streets, their unmoving rigidity reminding the Larvitar of her former mountain home. It was getting quite dark, even the street lights seemed to cast strange shadows here and there. Aegwynn thought it would be good to keep an eye out for any pokemon along this route. She figured it was best to get the most out of this city before moving on in the morning, and wondered if the South presented a different micro-ecosystem than the East.

Spoiler: Mechanics and Rolls
If allowed due to different area?
Perception (Pokemon Spotting) [1AP to Boost]: 22