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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Under Mt. Ebott

    Default Re: GrrlPower III: Crisis Of Infinite Filler Comics

    Quote Originally Posted by Ibrinar View Post
    Btw I find it a bit odd for a planning based villain to needlessly either kill off or piss off allies. If an animal really would have worked.
    This latest comic kind of clears thing up. This sequence wasn't ever actually meant to showcase Sciona as a planner or a legitimate villain. It was meant to showcase that magical people are stupid and Deus is the cleverest clever. Including the fact that apparently for some reason the field made to not let nonliving matter through will allow a sword to fall out and he was the only one smart enough to realize.
    Last edited by Drascin; 2017-10-12 at 07:10 AM.