Quote Originally Posted by Drascin View Post
See, here's the thing.

If bamboo lasts enough after being killed by the field to knock the sword off the pedestal, and there is nothing actually holding the sword in... what is stopping any magical person that actually manages to get here from just casting Summon Monster 1 and manually throwing a badger at it, or just bringing any shrunk animal in a pocket? Like, seeing how it seems to start from the outside in, a badger would seem likely to in fact last more than a thin stick of bamboo.
Beside the point, but D&Ds easiness of calling forth living animal is hardly indicative of how easy that would be in other settings I always was a bit amused how minor of a spell that was in d&d. In many settings that would be serious ****ing magic. Because either you are creating them => super powerful or call a random being from somewhere which is pretty impressive too. Though this setting has teleports which makes it more likely that the second variant is feasible.