Still the pack was restless a villager among their midst, this simply would not stand, once again the night was full of predators on the hunt though very few found there mark, most found they were hunting the same target and as such were thwarted. However as people patrolled they had accidentally left the young alone a basket of them to be precise! So a cunning person saw the opportunity and took it, they decided to start their own pack where they would be leader and there would be no spoooooooky villager chasing them. So with that they took the Basket of Puppies and fled into the night

Night 2 end!
Someone stole a basket of puppies the were a wolf.

Side note basket of puppies was night killed but even I am not terrible enough to write a basket of puppies being murdered nervous glance



Player Roll Death
1 Sanity Narrator Yes
2 Finn
3 Duck999
4 Ramsus Wolf Night 1
5 Eternis
6 AvatarVecna
7 BasketOfPuppies Wolf Night 2
8 Chambers
9 Logic
10 Aventine
11 Rakkoon
12 Extrail Wolf Night 1
13 Deathslayer7 Wolf Day 2
14 Ronnoc
15 kgato503