Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
Reckless Attack comes with a major downside, though-so I did a straight, no advantage comparison.
barbarians will generally use reckless, even with the downside. Unless you're surrounded by many enenmies, it's still a huge benefit. Generally speaking it's better to assume it's being used the majority if the time.

Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Samurai View Post
So you’re okay with it at level 11 then? Because it was suggested as a fix to drop Exhaustion at level 10 and that was still considered broken according to Tanaari. So why is the Barbarian using one of his Rages to get an extra attack as a bonus action broken, but the fighter getting three attacks with his regular Attack action not broken?

I’m guessing it’s Reckless Attack. Otherwise, I’m not really seeing the problem. But again, I admit, I’m not a rules mechanics guy.
Unlimited frenzy on rage is still incredibly powerful even at level 10. Less so in a game that allows PAM, but more so in a game that allows GWM. But you're right, I was knee jerking to it at level being used in mid tier one and low tier 2, where it's far more powerful, relatively speaking. If I was going to increase it, if go with an extra 'free' use (for two total) with the option to take exhaustion after that. It still gives the player the option to push the limits if they need to.

Regardless, IMO the subclass should get at least one free use of Frenzy per day.

btw, just for comparison, barbarians get a defensive bonus at level 11 (relentless rage), as opposed to fighters offensive one.

And yes, reckless makes a huge difference. It's what gives barbarians significant damage boost.