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Thread: Of Chewing Bitter Roots - FR (IC)

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Of Chewing Bitter Roots - FR (IC)

    Eliza Amakiir
    Level 5 Glamour Bard | Bardic Inspiration: 4/4 | HP: 40/40 | AC: 14

    Eliza sets her Viol down and accepts the odor of wine. She pulls it to her lips and turns her head back, but takes little more than a sip, stopping the rest with her tongue. It's a trick she'd picked up after years of performing at any tavern that'd let her inside. It's nice to keep up appearances, but clouded judgement, slurred speech, and the loss of fine motor skills don't exactly make for a good performance. She hands the odor back to the mercenary, just as her brother returns with a bowl of potato and rabbit stew. "Thank you brother. I like this much better than the alternative." She says with a shudder.

    After having a spoonful of stew, she joins the conversation of her fellow party members. "I say south, my brother's right. Devil's can be reasoned with, but Demons are simply out for blood and nothing more, it's impossible to get into their heads and understand how they think, which makes it impossible to plan for anything they do. Orcs, at least, have some level of strategy, and we can plan around that. Besides, if we kill them, they stay dead instead of coming back from the Abyss, ten times angrier at us."
    Last edited by Arenabait; 2017-10-17 at 04:11 PM.