Quote Originally Posted by Eldan View Post
The words "procedurally generated" made me wary at first, but then I remembered that there's hundreds of stars in the original and I probably never saw like 90% of them.

Truly, it is the will of Juffo-Wup.
Yeah, almost all the planets were produced by a random number generator. They only bothered manually specifying the important places, like homeworlds, rainbow worlds, special artifacts, and of course the Sol system.

Quote Originally Posted by danzibr View Post
The only one on the list which was unfamiliar was Keel-Verezy. Hmm.
Their only appearance was in Melnorme dialogue. As I recall, there's one greeting sequence where the Melnorme captain says you almost crashed into a Keel-Verezy ship and expresses surprise that you didn't see it.