Steam Punk sighed. Pressed on button on his saddle back, and with ticking noise an armor streched in curvy plates around his neck to his head, covering his face with mask helmet and a horn made from crystal.
He levitated Arctic's armor to ease it for him.

"THAT will happen so long after I am gone." Steam Punk sighed.
"And it making me go nuts-" he left the armor for moment and turned few pebbles into nuts, and offered some to Arctic, while levitating the armor again. Strangely, when he used magic and levitiation, strong ticking noises were heard from his helmet and neck.
"I am a pony of science and tech! I want to go forward, to build the most advanced technique! But I'll always be a little stone age scholar at best. I have heard about computers! It would be so wonderful, if a machine could do the BIG calculations for me. I tried to built few calculaters, but it a joke compared to what computers can do! So... I am quite excited to examine your armor" he led him down, to dungeons under the bar.
He led him to mechanical elevator, and then led him to big steam ounk lab,
with a lot of steaming tubes, ticking machines and glowing crystals and gems. One of the crystal glowed when Arctic passed through- and with ticking noise, a mechanical calculater, showed the power level of Arctic, close enough- probably few hundrerds ki above or below the exact one.

Steam Punk has examined the armor, with set of strange optical devices.
"So how exactly your armor function? I don't want to hurt anything vital accidently during the process"