In no particular order:
  • Jupiter Ascending: To this day, Jupiter remains one of the dumbest, dumbest movies I've ever seen.
  • Chappie: Induced in me a remarkable rage. I wish I remembered more of the revision-by-ranting that I did on the way home; it made for a pretty good story that wasn't so mind-numbingly stupid. I know I posted these two in this thread before, but they were just that bad.
  • Man of Steel: Why? Why would you lead off with General Zod, and why would you do it so ****tily? Supes has nowhere to go now! He just defeated his evil alter ego, there's nothing left to do but pick a fight with the local pantheon of evil gods. Just because this is a problem with Superman in general doesn't mean we should race towards it!
    And that's without getting into the obvious stuff like "Are we sure this guy's really a hero, just because he beat up the guy who wanted to kill the planet?" and "Why didn't Zod just terraform Mars? Why didn't Superman take the terraforming stuff to Mars once he figured out what it was?"
  • Batman v Superman: I... I don't know what I was expecting after Man of Steel. I guess this one's on me, innit?
  • Avatar: The fact that this movie was so popular speaks volumes of the general public. Unfortunately, most of those volumes are entitled "Arguments Against Democratic Government" and "Why Eugenics Isn't a Bad Idea."
  • Ghostbusters 2016: I'm not saying that everyone involved with making this movie should be taken out back and executed in methods we haven't used since the Middle Ages. I'm just saying my Christmas list from 2016 got a few raised eyebrows. It's so terrible I wouldn't even pirate it.

Basically, if I've already come up with several ways to improve a movie and can think of nothing I liked about it before I even leave the theater, they done goofed.

Quote Originally Posted by Gnoman View Post
I've seen it about four times. I remember nothing.
Not even "Anybody else wanna negotiate?"