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Thread: VIGIL 4: Swordfights!!! on Air

  1. - Top - End - #625
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Gondor, Middle Earth

    Default Re: VIGIL 4: Swordfights!!! on Air

    Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
    "Eurus Underground and Ell, currently. Reigned since after the post-Char regency." The monster-assistant explains, using names that probably mean nothing to Gary.
    "It's not a terribly large kingdom, but no less regal for that. 'Countries' isn't exactly the way to think of it around here. Instead, think of the leaders. Even in the time of nations, no one ran one single-handedly." Her eyes fall on the gun; is he going to start something, or just being careful?"
    "So even when there are no countries, there are politics and war." Gary says as a statement rather than a question. "Alright, so our enemy is a demon, gives me reason enough to fight. So what are you and why should I trust you?"
    Last edited by 8BitNinja; 2017-10-29 at 09:25 PM.