Quote Originally Posted by Siosilvar View Post
You know, I think it's funny that nobody ever complains about Sion when we're talking about reworks that completely change the champion.
Old!Poppy was by far my favorite ever, to the point where I won't honor the new one with the name (I call her "Poppina"). Old!Sion I'm less familiar with, but my impression was of a big, menacing, undead warrior, who fit the "bruiser" spot with a stun and a bunch of lifesteal. The lifesteal got moved to his passive, the stun became the knockup of his Q, and overall his kit is pretty significantly changed... but the general theme and impression is the same, just executed a bit better (the old one was a little too dopey-looking).

I don't mind total kit reworks, as long as the role and theme of the character is the same. Poppy's still (mostly) in the top lane, but the overall sense of the character is shifted unrecognizably. There's no way the bitter, jaded Poppy who doesn't know any jokes and growls nearly every line could ever be mistaken for the naive and upbeat adventurer we've got now.

I'd feel a lot better about it if there was some official nod. Maybe Poppina's her niece who was named after the famous yordle who forged the alliance with Demacia. Maybe Old!Poppy helped train her, hence the same E, but has since retired from warfare to focus on her diplomatic duties. If there was a piece of official art of the two of them together like that, I'd be much more reconciled with the whole arrangement, y'know?