Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
The tangent at hand was settings, not systems.

On the subject of systems:

AD&D 2e
WEG d6 Star Wars, every edition.
Multiple d20/OGL products, from the Thieves' World adaptation to a bunch of random stuff I picked up used cheap
HERO 4th and 5th (6th went full-lawyer-mode sideways, and anyway the guy who runs their forums started imposing a political-opinions litmus test on the moderators and decided I didn't pass, so I broke off any involvement with the place).
Every edition of Vampire through utter disappoint that was Requiem.
Multiple editions of Warewolf.
Read through and studied (but didn't directly play) all the other White Wolf products through about that time.
GURPS (only read, not played)
Mechwarrior (Battletech-setting RPG)
Legend of the Five Rings (4th ed)
Mythras (read for reference)
The Burning Wheel (reading it right now as I get time)
The most recent Conan RPG (reference)
Literally scores of free and sample products off DriveThru RPG (mostly read through for reference)

And I'm sure that's not a complete list.

I even forced myself to read through some of Ron Edwards' pretentious little products.
You've found glaring contradictions in all those settings? (Now that I think about it, I'm actually not surprised.)

Have you considered looking into "tiny RPGs"? If you're looking for a consistent world with no contradictions, the most obvious way to cut down on them is to cut down on the scale of the world. Less world, less mistakes.

Mechanical Oryx paints a freeform world.

Everyone is John lays down a world viewed through the lens of a schizophrenic (and any contradictions that result in the setting, can be explained by their schizophrenic delusions).

I also notice you didn't list D&D 5e. Are you not a 5E player, or did you consider it was just a given?