Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
I remember all that. What I mean is that...I find that REALLY hard to actually believe. Like, it feels like it stretches disbelief that they live in this society where you can't really go outside because the monsters will get you, and they're all happy and like "oh man everything is perfect and good". Beacon has an entire chunk of it cordoned off because they tried to make another part of the city and it immediately went bad and many people died.

That being said, I feel like...making it more clear that everyone is aware that it's "actually really bad" but tries to ignore it would of been better. Since then it would tie into Cinder's, bland as it may be, vague mysterious evil plan, which was to force people to confront that this is an end of world scenario and the world is actually bad. That'd make it work better, I think.
Humans are adaptable and really good at ignoring problems if those problems seem to be 'solved'. There's a funny little comic called the Door In The Kitchen, that deals with that in what I feel is a realistic way.

But they could have handled it better. Maybe have a few characters who aren't from the city, and talk about how much more dangerous things are out there. Basically, tell us Ren and Nora's backstory a lot earlier, even if they don't go into detail. Try harder in showing that while the cities are 'safe places' and thus people born and raised in the city are much more relaxed, that outside the cities things are a lot more tense and harsh.

Speaking of happy endings though, I don't think Juane deserves one. Not yet, anyways. I certainly don't think Pyyrha deserved one. Juane has a lot of growth to do still, growth that almost requires Pyyrha to die/be crippled. And said death or crippling basically precludes Pyyrha from having a happy ending.