Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Hundred-Twenty-Seven : Death Of A Son

It‘s Only A Flesh Wound!

We open this chapter in April, of the year 830 AD, with the Queen trying to enforce her demands on the Great King. But he ignored her stating that it was "just a flesh wound".

Spoiler: Give Up?

After this reply the Queen ordered her army to march southeast to break the siege in Bikrampur. Of course she was with the army even though she was not in command of any of the flanks.

Spoiler: Go Southeast Young Soldiers!

In May the Great King realized what was happening and broke the siege to flee. The Queen had mixed feelings. They enemy had failed to take the castle but she had failed to engage the Great King. Sieges were nice but in order to win the war she had to defeat the enemy on the battlefield.

Spoiler: Run Away!

As the Queen planned out her next move she received a scroll from the Magistros Isaias. It seemed that the County of Suvarnagram was having problems and she could send the Magistros to deal with either the Castle or the Town. She decided on the Castle.

Spoiler: Magustros Sent To Suvarnagram

The army's scouts reported that the Great King's army was heading towards the County of Madhupur. The Queen ordered the army to take a long about route so as not to cross any rivers. Attacking across a river would be a huge drawback.

Spoiler: Enemy Siege Of Madhupur

By the 22nd of July the Great King’s target was confirmed and the Queen prayed that the Great King would be so focused on the siege that he would fail to notice her approach.

As the troops marched closer and the Queen rode in the swaying wagon where she slept, ate, and conducted business when on the road she continued to receive messages.

One delivered in August told her that the people of Suvarnagram had taken the Greek culture for themselves. Once again this greatly pleased her.

Spoiler: County Of Suvarnagram Became Greek

She was also told that Princess Dionysia could use some guidance. The Queen decided to teach her half-sister about diligence but failed. The girl had her own ideas.

Spoiler: Princess Dionysia NOT Learning From The Queen

In September the Queen was able to engage the Great King’s army. It seems the Great King failed to put out any scouts this time. The Battle of Pabna had started. The Horse Archers gave the Queen’s army a huge advantage and really added to the volley of arrows and missiles into the enemy’s ranks.

Spoiler: The Battle Of Pabna Starts

In fact the Great King’s right flank could not handle it and fell back. Then the enemy’s center could not hold. Then the Queen’s army sent in the horse and the Great King’s whole line retreated. In the chaos of the charge, among the thundering hooves and screaming horses, the Queen’s second eldest son was killed in combat. Prince Nikodemos had fallen in battle against Thakur Ganeshwar Singh of Samatata.

Spoiler: Death Of A Prince

In the middle of the battle they brought the Queen her son’s body. The Queen was in mourning before the battle had even come to an end. But a part of her was also somewhat relieved. This was one less member of the family trying to claim the throne. Also, while a good warrior he had been a tad stupid. It was better this way for everyone in the end. He would now go down in history as a Hero and not a foolish idiot.

Spoiler: The Battle Of Pabna Ends

By October the Commanders had abandoned their soldiers to their fate. Without any leaders the army could not hold out and was finally defeated on 9th of October. The Queen had lost 122 men while the Great King lost 752 men - about a third of his army. Frankly, the fact that the Great King’s army had survived such odds was amazing.

So we close this chapter with the Queen and her army giving chase to the enemy.