You are precious. You are light. No one was put into this world to pretend like we're not really here. Your gifts and your longings are worthwhile; they were given to you as blessings. Your body is your home, carefully crafted and given for you to have life in. You are loved. You are love. If you think there's no hope, you're wrong. If you think no one else wants to see what you do, that doesn't matter; if it brings you joy, you're doing what you were intended for. Again, you are loved. You have the power to bring joy to others. You have a voice, a heart, a pair of hands. Those are all you need to make the world a better place. You do as much good as you choose to do. You are as true to yourself as you choose to be. You, your talents, your passions, and your flaws are all precious and held in deepest love.