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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Bristol, UK

    Default Re: Changing the "Caster beats Mundane" paradigm

    Quote Originally Posted by Cazero View Post
    I fail to see how any of those are relevant.
    Any one of those examples suffices to refute your claim that things must be non-magical in order to work in an antimagic field.

    Enables setting elements.
    Just one mechanism by which fantastical things may be done is sufficient to 'enable' all fantastical things one may want to make possible. Add another one and you end up with tens of thousands of words of extra rules and world-building in order to patch up all the weird interactions and edge-cases. And actually putting that work in could easily lead you somewhere you didn't intend.

    I already did that. I said metabolisms worked differently or something. Would it really impact your life if e=mc^3 and c was slower to compensate?
    It is waaaaay too early in the morning to be re-learning all the maths required to answer that question properly. The answer is probably "yes", though.
    Last edited by lesser_minion; 2017-11-26 at 06:00 AM.