Love: “Wait, wait! This is all going according to plan. She'll let them tire themselves out and then scoop them up.”
Rose: “Two things—1) I don't think they are capable of getting tired. 2) Are you sure the security breech is the CMC?”
GM: “1) They don't. Ever. 2) You're not.”
Rose: “This night is not going to end well for us.”
Love: “Love will pop in with her weapon drawn!”

Love: “What has been unleashed upon the world?”
GM: “Three, immortal, upgraded, and sleepless Cutie Mark Crusaders. They have no need to eat, sleep, or breath. Their batteries will last for a century. And their voices can't get hoarse from shouting anymore.”
Rose: “This feels like a low-grade extinction-level event...”
Sniper: “Well, it was nice knowing you all.”

GM: “Also, guess where the hot tub Sweetie Belle went to is? Guess who's already there and waiting for Rose to come back?”
Rose: “Crap. Love, are the other two AIs with you and Brazen?”
Love: “Sweetie Belle said, ‘I'm gonna jump in the hot tub!’ I told her to be careful. I'm not sure where she went... You don't think she'd go to your room do you?! Pony, I've got to get in on this hot tub action. It must be a real pleasure.”
Song: “Rose, there’s a strange filly in your room. I don’t know how she got in the castle. What do I do with her? She’s in the hot tub and it’s awkward for, um, reason that we don’t need to get into right now!”
Rose: “Sigh. Excuse me.” (*runs off to her room*)

Rose: “Well, I think I'm—”
Sgt. Barrel Roll: “Would one of the oh-so-brilliant lieutenants please report to the command center that they left abandoned! We have a security breach.”
Rose: “—so toasted when the commander hears about this.”

Rose: “I dunno what it is that all my medics end up being the adventurous type that isn't afraid of the front lines if need be.”
GM: “Generally the combat medics let the other ponies get shot and then patch them up.”
Sniper: “Other combat medics are wimps.”