Avrin finds a convenient wall to lean on while the rest of the group busies themselves interrogating Verik, preferring to remain silent unless his input becomes necessary. When Mordin suggests a direct assault on Lamm's meeting, he quickly concludes that that time has come, clears his throat and speaks up. "Yeah, I'm not sold on any plan that involves a frontal assault on a who's who of the most powerful criminals in Korvosa. Most of the people invited to that kind of meeting didn't get to where they are by being weaklings, and aren't the sort to attend a meeting alone. Unless you think we can take fifteen or twenty toughs all at the same time, along with whatever craziness Lamm brings to the table to convince them, in which case you're crazier than I thought." He sighs, then continues. "Maybe, maybe we send someone to sneak in and see if we can learn anything valuable, but I'm not signing up for any suicide missions. Besides, the smart criminals will know better than to sign on with Lamm's little revolution, Shudder or not. He might get an ally or two out of it, but the rest... Those might give us another angle to get at him. Taking down his recruiting session will hurt him a hell of a lot more, especially if we can finally corner that Tiefling of his. If she knows as much about Lamm's operation as she's supposed to she'd provide everything we need to finish off his whole operation. And if Kroft's going to pay us for the pleasure of doing it, all the better."