Quote Originally Posted by a1chemi View Post
Where in the strip has it ever implied at all that she would go to Hel for leaving her husband?

The specific deal is that those dwarves who die with honor go to Thor. An honorable death is a death in battle, based on the same comic where Durkon relates these rules, and every comic where they are discussed (Eugene wants all the dwarves to charge a dragon or split up and squeeze in a civil war).

As an adventurer she is almost guaranteed to die in battle. If she goes back and is murdered for betraying her family she's quite certain to go to Hel.
As an example, if a random dwarf were caught robbing the temple where they worked, and died fighting the guards, would that count as honorable? You die in battle, but you were betraying a trust at the time. Or (ick) a dwarf is molesting a child, gets caught, and the parent bashes the molester's head in. Is that an "honorable" death?

I admit we haven't been told this, in comic. What we have been told is that dwarves have the most honor-bound society on the planet. But think about it. If all that's required is death in combat, honor most of the time is irrelevant - the dwarves would be better off if they did nothing but pick fights with one another. In fact, a society where people regularly gave offense sufficient to fight duels to the death would be just peachy. That doesn't seem to be the case.

I hypothesize that death in combat is necessary but not sufficient. The rest of your life also matters; that's why they have such a rigid society.