Other requests to Eggynack:

-Include a section on templates. I know that templates are generally ill-advised on Druids due to costing LA (or/and EXP to remove), but what if we can get templates for free or cheaply? The Dark and Quasilycanthrope templates are the best I've found for 1 LA and the Saint template is a strong consideration for 2 LA. (These evaluations assume free templates or easy buyoff.)

-Include a section on fighting swarms. Our GM has put us against these repeatedly, and, gracefully, our party Bard's Dragonfire Inspiration has been enough to let us hurt them. Otherwise, we'd be hurtin'.

-I'd still like that Plant Companion section in part because you said you already had it written and, second, even if it's 'meh' overall, I'd still like the option to consider if it's right for my character.

-Update the spells section to include your verdicts on Girallon's Blessing (3), Stormrage (8), and Mass Snowshoes (3).