Lady Selancourte

All the world's meat

It was a weird feeling between being repulsed by the man's tears and the satisfaction of seeing him brought so low.
As he continued talking, a derisive smile appeared on her face. Verik involved with Meliya Arkona? "Or so she said." she commented innocently. This did make much more sense though. The knife was unmistakenly Vudran, and thus is wasn't a far leap of logic to assume the Arkonas were involved - but they had no reason to support Lamm's little revolution. At least not to the end. Thus a rebellious member of the family tied a lot of strange circumstances neatly together - why दास broke into an Arkona-owned warehouse and how she knew just where to find what she needed there, for example.

For a moment she looked down at the knife in her hands. It was made to resemble a viper's fang. Quite a striking choice by Meliya, not exactly subtle. The fang that poisoned Verik.

"Oh, but isn't it obvious, Carla? They thought their little revolution would be a success, and the common rule always involves the slaughter of all the nobility, and all the dissenters, down to the littlest child. Just look to Galt or Andoran." She had turned her head towards Carla for a second, but now focused on Verik again. "Of course, it is much more likely they would go down in the fighting."
She stopped, being in thought for a moment.
"Has she met with Lamm personally?"


Kroft's office sans Kroft

"Personally, I would advise against that." Vestis spoke up, calmly. "But I suppose Field Marshal Kroft has thoughts of her own about that topic. Might we speak with her?"