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    Troll in the Playground
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    May 2009

    Default Re: Final Fantasy RecordKeeper X:Listen to my pulls. This is our last chance to whale

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonok View Post
    Yup. DU is tomorrow featuring VII, XII, and XIII-2. Personally going to skip this one. More than half the banner is SSBs which frankly, aren't even worth much as synergy anymore. And the dupe chance from VII alone is really high.
    Gonna skip it as well. The combination is a bit uncomfortable (VII and XIII, meaning a chance at Mama's Boy OR Fem!Cloud), and XII doesn't entice me to pull. Last thing I need is 1/11, and a Mama's Boy dupe at that. Those are 25 Mythril saved for the Christmas' Event, provided there's a LD set for that.

    Tried the Crystal Tower. Squall was annoying, but died to a combination of Kefka, Kuja and Golbez, with Gordon providing Last Stand and Lenna providing Reraise, in order to remain alive. Slow damage, but after a while it picked up. Scylla died in an absurdly unceremonial way, what with Onion Knight, Luneth and Refia outright murdering it. Adamantoise, however...erm, that's still a tough nut to crack. Went with Team Lightning (Ashe, Laguna, Rapha) plus Reks and THUNDER GOD as tank, and I still get my bum handed down to me. Maybe it's because I don't have a dedicated healer, or that my damage reduction is kinda low...or, let's face it, my damage sucks. Ashe did the most damage after her Burst, while Laguna was dealing less than 1k per blow with his Burst Entry), and my best hopes were going with THUNDER GOD TECHNIQUE to deal the most damage, while Rapha and Reks were providing healing. Had to drop out (yeah, I know, bad idea) in order to do the Tuesdailies, but I'll try again tomorrow, figuring out how to deal with Adamantoise on the way. Adel will be a pain, but most of my A-Team should be ready for it. That, and Seifer, who'll be the tank for the night.

    All in all, the parties should be:
    • Squall: Kuja, Kefka, Gordon, Lenna, Golbez
    • Scylla: Onion Knight, Refia, Luneth, 1 healer, whoever.
    • Adamantoise: Ashe, Orlandeau, Laguna, 1 healer or Rapha, Ramza or Reks
    • Adel + Rinoa: Seifer, Vaan, Y'sh or Vanille, two damage dealers.

    Since Dr. Mog is the forced RW, that leaves Magicite choices, and luckily Enkidu is solid enough to work.
    Last edited by T.G. Oskar; 2017-12-06 at 12:21 AM.
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    Now with a comprehensive guide for 3.5 Paladin players porting to Pathfinder. Also available for 5th Edition
    On Lawful Good:
    Quote Originally Posted by firebrandtoluc View Post
    My friend is currently playing a paladin. It's way outside his normal zone. I told him to try to channel Santa Claus, Mr. Rogers, and Kermit the Frog. Until someone refuses to try to get off the naughty list. Then become Optimus Prime.
    T.G. Oskar profile by Specter.