Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
So you think screw attack will ever team up with deadliest warrior and create the most blatantly garbage "scientific" comparisons backed up by "computer simulations" as we listen to hardcore superfans of each entry debate over feats and what they mean? Just to keep the theme going, they could hire a guy who used to work in a quarry as their geological expert to determine just how many megapascels of power would be required to cause craters of that size along with a former comic shop owner to mediate between nerd offs. I gotta admit, i would totally watch that.
From listening to the commentary, Death Battle is very much about doing their own research and analysis rather than listening to hardcore superfans. Indeed, they complain that many members of the fan base would prefer to turn them into another version of those other battle online [Superhero Beatdown?] were voters decide who wins.

The writers say they take multiple days and many hours to analyze the characters from events in the comics and other medium. However, the writers often admit having little or no prior exposure to the particular character until they do their research.

Quote Originally Posted by Mato View Post
No. They apparently use an unpaid intern for research and clearly don't have the time to read their own forums or google things.
The writers describe their process in the commentary with each battle posted on the website. It sounds like they certainly google but do not use much fan analysis determine their decisions. I’d think the things fans point out would be important but I don’t know when they actually do their research.

I see a lot of sniping at particular decisions (Naruto could travel at the speed of light, I thought that was weak evidence myself), but things are only really off base when the character winning is indefensible. Naruto, by the time the series ended, seemed to be operating at a whole other level from Ichigo and not just in speed but in power (this was certainly not true throughout the series).

I find this thread far to hard on Screwattack, despite my own disagreements with their analysis. Putting out an entertaining show requires these battles go a certain way. They certainly make some questionable decisions viz-a-viz certain characters, but the nature of the material really doesn’t make for clear cut measurements.

Sometimes characters do uncharacteristic stuff as a one-off, and I think just about every character they have ever done has shown some inconsistency with strength levels and stats. They could develop internally consistent way of reading comics and other materials regarding all characters, but that would more likely make what they say wrong more often then improve their process. Its impossible for them to research everything many of these characters ever said to have done even if they put dozens of hours into research. You can’t read all the comics or watch all the shows in that time. They must be working with secondary sources of some sort.

More to the point, sometimes one-off demonstrations of powers are illustrative and other times they absurd. Its hard to say which is which without making judgment calls.

What I see looks like a sincere attempt at doing research but often times the writers simply admit to not being superfans. I’m sure they are constantly missing stuff and getting some stuff wrong, but I also know that its pretty much impossible to uncontroversially stat out most of these characters in terms of real world physics, because the character’s have never been written to be understood in those terms in the first place.