If you truly wish to believe that they are as neutral about this as possible then fine. Ignore the facts they brought up, like how Gaara was able to turn an entire city to sand, and they shown this in their research, yet is weaker than Toph somehow. Facts like even the Cloud v Link fight they did NOT do any research for the other horse since Fire is NOT a signature materia of Cloud, who was shown in Advent Children to have a literal chest full of materia that he was stripped of and was geared in that fight to not use any, then had one of his materia reclassified to holy, even though Final Fantasy had Holy for decades at that point,cause they didn't want to research him. Or ignore the fact that even if they DO research they forget it, like how the math in goku v superman was horrible (50x big number is not that same number, to name one example) or how they know miguel has Thor 's hammer yet did not use it (even though he did gain that power).

It was asked back during their first season if they did this for views, and I wish I remember where it was on their forums that they replied but it was there. But I so remember the crapstorm after superman v goku. And i remember that they said even if its wrong they got a lot of hits for it. It apparent that they pick who they want to win and work it to show that it will be that way. There's no question. Notice how the trend of picking someone with a big fan base, followed by an episode of two of minor fights then another one of antagonizing fan bases.
But hey what do I know. Most proof of them having bias is scrubbed outside their website, which you have to pay for to see what they are saying. So maybe you're right.

Except.. if the answer to a fight without being a fan with minimum research is obvious, yet you pick the others regardless.. what do we call that?