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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Death realm

    Default Re: Death Battle II - I don't THINK Gara got robbed I KNOW he did.

    It's kinda hard to say that Red (can I call you Red? )when they show proof that they know about some of these things and ignore it. Yang v Tifa. They shown clips from Advent Children and ignore it in their results. Spiderman 2099 v Batman Beyond. They shown Miguel to have THAT hammer, and ignored it for results. Toph v Gaara. They show Gaara turning a massive forest into sand. Ignored it for results.

    To add further, they ignore obvious facts, their own math, stack versions of characters into 1 amalgam of one and even the word of mouth from the creators of the character, for their result. Bayonetta v Dante. Ignored that she fought god and won. While Goku v Superman 1 was supposed to be strictly canon (which New 52 retconned a lot of big Blue's feats, namely Specter and the book, regardless of them being outliers to begin with), they used them anyway, merged every version of Supes bar 2 particular ones and said "here" and even got their own math wrong. Basic multiplication. And rolled with it. I'm not saying the hillbilly can beat that. No one can really, but I will say it wasn't like they wanted to do it justice with how sloppily it was handled. Link v Cloud. TODAY, we know it to be a far closer fight with the things Cloud has done and the fact that all versions are the same due to the Master Sword bs. Back then we did not. I don't have to go further in detail on this, since I stated before that they stripped him and reclassified his abilities and said "it's iconic!" While they merged links (which today, would be fine cause of earlier mentioned sword).

    The issue is that you can go thru every episode of DB, and find in an overwhelming majority of them that running theme of incorrect verdict. Some are glaringly obvious. Some a fan of the characters will have to point out. But it's there. And sometimes the result is right...but not for how they gave it.
    Last edited by HolyDraconus; 2017-12-12 at 12:54 PM.