Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
Tifa has fought opponents who are much greater in power then Neo, and won. Her full final combo with her ultimate, fully charged weapon, would do an insane amount of damage, easily more then what we see take down Yang without any problems.
We don't know how powerful Neo is. She never fought anyone and lost, although she fled from Raven.

We don't know how much Tifa's final combo does. Numbers on the screen do not translate into anything measurable, at least DB never even attempted to suggest it does. They measure it as doing less damage.

Quote Originally Posted by HolyDraconus View Post
It's kinda hard to say that Red (can I call you Red? )when they show proof that they know about some of these things and ignore it. Yang v Tifa. They shown clips from Advent Children and ignore it in their results. Spiderman 2099 v Batman Beyond. They shown Miguel to have THAT hammer, and ignored it for results. Toph v Gaara. They show Gaara turning a massive forest into sand. Ignored it for results.
A common enough county courthouse's judges decision (also sometimes called a B paper in law school) basically reviews the facts, reviews the laws, and says "this is the result," without explaining how they get there. Writing an explanation that fails to address certain facts or lines of argument in a decision happens all the time at every level in decisions.

I say this, because the work of judges are writing about matters that have very serious outcomes.

Ignoring certain facts or rules happen not just because of corrupt judges, it happens because they may feel differently than the legal counsel about how powerful a particular fact is, or whether an argument carries weight, or perhaps even fails to understand an argument or sees its relevance to the particular case.

I compare this to a legal case, because it is not a matter of scientific precision who would win a fight.

What's more, matters of scientific precision will not always go in the way you favor. If Yang through a steel girder followed by a mech-shattering punch is the basis of the scientific analysis, then Tifa may well be in trouble.

Quote Originally Posted by HolyDraconus View Post
The issue is that you can go thru every episode of DB, and find in an overwhelming majority of them that running theme of incorrect verdict. Some are glaringly obvious. Some a fan of the characters will have to point out. But it's there. And sometimes the result is right...but not for how they gave it.
I think a clear incorrect verdict is a minority of DB. I beleive you can find their decision is incorrect almost every episode, but I think someone will say the same about any show trying to do their sort of analysis.

I'd love to go through DB episode by episode and see how bad their decisions can get, but if the fights we are discussing are the worse offenders, I don't think I'll agree they are that bad.