I'll repeat Dwarven Cleric, either Knowledge to emphasize the divination aspects while avoiding heavy armor Santa weirdness or Forge for a combination of crafting, fire resistance (chimneys have fires at the bottom! Shocking I know!), and the ability to whoop ass as seen in Rise of the Guardians.

Insight would be an essential skill and he is MAD as F as said above, basically no true dump stat to speak of... but then again, most fictional characters are prone to this fault rendering proper D&D adaptations difficult lol.

As for background, I'd go either Guild Artisan for crafting or maybe Urchin for motivation (especially that Bond option of "No one else should have to endure the hardships I’ve been through." and maybe the Community ideal and "I like to squeeze into small places where no one else can get to me." trait.), preferably a mix of the two if AL allows that.